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C. Lane Scher, PhD

I'm a quantitative ecologist using statistical models and big data to understand biodiversity at large scales

I also communicate science.

I have been featured in videos, given presentations, and written articles for general audiences.

Contact me at cls7052[at]

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My research examines how global change
drives ecological communities

I use big data and statistical models to understand patterns of biodiversity across North America.


My doctoral research in Jim Clark's lab at Duke University focused on understanding avian biodiversity across North America using citizen science data and statistical modeling. My research ranged from understanding and integrating multiple datasets, to examining large-scale patterns in winter abundance, to identifying species at risk of nest parasitism from cowbirds.

I draw from citizen science data to understand
large-scale patterns in biodiversity. 

Over 50,000 people contributed data to my dissertation

through eBird and the Breeding Bird Survey.

Learn more about eBird and how to use it in the video below.

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